From the mental health professional community...
“This film is the very best documentary about the long term ‘trajectory’ after traumatic loss that I have ever seen. It shows the devastation, struggle, reorganization, and growth in each of the survivors. It is artful, deeply moving, and extremely well done. When I use the film in my trainings, audiences have found it to be a superb training tool for clinicians.”
To members of the military…
“Our military comes from our society, serves our society, and will return to our society. If we can help them to become more resilient while they are serving, they will be better equipped to successfully return. Project Rebirth has the unique opportunity to their documentary material and broad National partnerships in creating teams of experts in resilience building. These teams will design programs and methods to teach and enhance individual and community resilience within the military.”
To educators…
“Tanya, I am a teacher in Columbus, Ohio, and I spent my day today sharing the tragedy of what happened eleven years ago today. As part of our day, I showed them the documentary Rebirth. I know how hard the loss of your fiancé was, and I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how moved my students were by your story. Many of them come to the United States as refugees from war-torn countries and have experienced tremendous amounts of violence in their lives and have great difficulty expressing their feelings in a healthy way. They connected hard with your honesty and, as a result, many, many students shed tears. The conversation generated incredible discussion. Nothing I have done in my twenty plus years of teaching has ever created such an outpouring of emotion. Thank you for turning your tragic loss of Sergio into such a force for good in this world. Today, you truly were the difference. Wishes for much happiness.”
To those impacted by traumatic events…
“I just finished watching the film with tears streaming down my face. It gives me hope that from the grief and sadness we can pull together and live life again. The messages of hope and recovery resonate throughout the movie. Newtown, at such an early stage, is entering some very dark days. I see so much right now that is dividing people. A film like Rebirth can give people hope and help guide them through. I will be sharing this film with as many people as possible. I will also forward the information to board of ed. members and town leaders. People need to see now that life can be good again…”